

The potential for a school shooting exists on every campus throughout the United States. Although the possession of firearms on or around the campus is prohibited, previous local and national shootings dictate the importance and need for a response plan. In the event you observe an individual with any type of weapon on the campus, immediately contact the College Sheriff's Office at extension 2911 from an internal telephone, or (818) 947-2911 from a cell phone; and right now set this phone number on speed dial in your cell phone.


做个决定, 相信自己的直觉, to take action to protect yourself to survive the situation. 不要接近枪手. You generally will have three options depending on whether you are outdoors or indoors and how close you are to the actual shooter:

  • 离开: 你能安全逃离吗??
  • 躲在安全的地方: 有藏身的好地方吗?
  • 把自己锁在房间里: 你在一个可以上锁的房间里吗?


  • If you can and you deem it safe, get out and get to a safe place.
  • 你将不得不部分依靠直觉.
  • Leave belongings behind, but take your cell phone if it is handy.
    (关掉手机铃声. )
  • If moving, move quickly and try to stay concealed while you move.
  • Before you move know where you are going and look before you move.
  • 如果安全的话, call the Sheriff's Office at extension 2911 or (818) 947-2911. 不要以为有其他人报告了这一事件.
  • Wait and listen for directions from law enforcement personnel.


  • 找一个隐蔽的地方躲起来. If possible hide in a place that offers protection as well concealment.
  • 如果安全的话,请致电警长办公室分机号2911或 (818) 947-2911. 不要以为有其他人报告了这一事件.
  • Wait and listen for directions from law enforcement personnel.


  • If in a room stay in the room and lock the door if it is safe to do so.
  • If you are not in a room find a room that locks if you can.
  • 在房间里找一个隐蔽的地方.
  • 如果可能的话,在家具后面寻找保护.
  • If possible blockade the door with furniture or other heavy objects.
  • 关上百叶窗, 关灯, 保持安静, 静音手机, 远离其他个体, 躲到有掩护的地方去. Stay on the floor, away from doors or windows, and do not peek out to see what may be happening.
  • If you are confronted by the shooter comply with the shooter‘s instructions.
  • 如果安全的话,请致电警长办公室2911或 (818) 947-2911. 不要以为有其他人报告了这一事件.
  • Wait and listen for directions from law enforcement personnel.


  • 无论是独自一人还是与一群人一起
  • 带有攻击性的行为
  • 即兴创作的武器
  • 承诺你的行动



  • Drop to the ground immediately, face down as flat as possible. If within 15-20 feet of a safe place or cover, duck and run to it.
  • Move or crawl away from gunfire, trying to utilize any obstructions between you and the gunfire. Remember that many objects of cover may conceal you from sight, but may not be bulletproof.
  • When you reach a place of relative safety, stay down and do not move. Do not peek or raise your head in an effort to see what may be happening.
  • 如果安全的话,请致电警长办公室2911或 (818) 947-2911. 不要以为有其他人报告了这一事件.
  • Wait and listen for directions from law enforcement personnel.


不要接近射手 你的生存是关键, so unless you are left with no choice you should avoid approaching the shooter. However, if you are approached by the shooter comply with the shooter‘s instructions.


Help Out – If you can do so without placing yourself in jeopardy

  • 警告其他人.
  • 帮助他人逃离.
  • 让其他人远离危险区域.
  • 帮助伤者.
  • 帮助他人保持冷静.


如果安全的话,请致电警长办公室分机号2911或 (818) 947-2911. 不要以为有其他人报告了这一事件.

  • Be persistent; phones may be jammed.
  • 冷静地表明你自己和你的确切位置. 保持冷静,回答问题. The person answering the phone is trained to obtain the necessary and required information for an appropriate emergency response.

如果安全的话, stop and take time to get a good description of the criminal. 注意高度, 重量, 性, 比赛, 大致年龄, 服装, 飞行的方法和方向, 还有他/她的名字, 如果已知. 如果嫌疑人正在进入一辆车, 注意车牌号码, 制作和建模, color, 特点突出. All of this takes only a few seconds and is of the utmost help to the responding officers.

Although you are not expected to know all of the answers, answer them to the best of your ability. Even though you may think the questioning is wasting valuable time, the information you provide will enable the Sheriff‘s Office to dispatch officers and other emergency personnel safely and effectively.


  • 到底发生了什么,你是怎么知道的? 它还在发生吗??
  • 你住在哪里??
  • 嫌疑犯现在在哪里? 他/她最后已知的旅行方向是什么?
  • 有人受伤吗,有多少人?
  • 具体发生地点是什么?
  • 使用了什么类型的武器? Describe the weapon/s or other dangerous object/s if possible, and any visible ammunition:
    • 步枪
    • 散弹枪
    • 手枪:左轮手枪或自动手枪.
    • 弹药:描述类型, 容器(金属箱)的数量和类型, 纸板盒, 背包口袋等).
    • 刀或其他危险武器.
    • 爆炸装置:给出具体描述.
    • 有没有开过枪? 描述声音和射击次数.
    • 你知道嫌疑犯是谁吗? If yes, identify them and provide any background knowledge you may have.

When Law Enforcement Arrives – They may be the College Sheriff’s, 安全官员, 或其他执法机构的人员

  • 当执法部门找到你的时候, do not run at them or make sudden movements and wait for their instructions.
  • The priority of the first responders will be to identify the shooter. Law enforcement will need to ensure that you are not the shooter.
  • 不要尖叫、大喊、指指点点或挥舞手臂.
  • Do not hold anything in your hands that could be mistaken for a weapon (包括 cell phones).
  • 保持安静和顺从.
  • Show the officers your empty hands and follow their instructions.
  • Any information you can provide about the shooter could be useful, 如果你有任何信息,请提供给我.
    • 说出射击者的人数.
    • 给出枪手的位置和外形描述.
    • 给出武器的数量和类型.
  • When it is safe to do so, you will be given instructions as to how to safely exit your location.


请致电学院警长,分机号2911或 (818) 947-2911 and be prepared to give the following information if you have it:

  • 确定人质在建筑物或区域的位置.
  • 攻击者的人数,如果知道的话.
  • 人质人数,如果知道的话.
  • 如果知道攻击者的身份.
  • 有没有关于袭击者和武器的描述.
  • 攻击者提出的任何要求.
  • If you are at a distance, move away from the location to a safer area.
  • If you can do so safely, evacuate area to a safer location.
  • If possible provide the above information once you are in a secure location.


  • 要有耐心. 时间站在你这一边. 避免过激行为.
  • 最初的45分钟是最危险的. 听从指示,保持警惕,活下去. 俘虏情绪不平衡. 不要犯可能危及你健康的错误.
  • 除非别人让你说话,否则不要说话. Don‘t talk down to the captor who may be in an agitated state.
  • 避免表现出敌意. Maintain eye contact with the captor at all times if possible, but do not stare. 像对待皇室一样对待俘虏.
  • 试着放松. 避免投机.
  • 尽你所能地遵守指示. 避免争论. 期待意外.
  • 是细心的. 他人的人身安全可能取决于你的记忆力. 你可以被释放,也可以逃跑. The captors in all probability do not want to harm persons held by them.
  • 准备好接警长的电话.
  • 耐心等待. 试图与俘虏建立融洽的关系.
  • If medications, first aid, or bathroom privileges are needed by anyone, say so.